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Video Works

My Wayside Wedding
Feature Documentary (In-Progress)


Hong Kong is like an Asteroid. It orbits the Sun when the path will irreversibly lead it to the fireball. Burning into debris is just a matter of time.


Finally, in 2019, this tiny city was on fire. Hong Kongers screamed 'Burn with Us' when forced to accept the fact that they were losing what they originally owned - autonomy, freedom in expression and creation, the values that had already become part of her identity. Losing them is like losing part of herself.


This documentary tells the stories of the late 20s Hong Kong young adults. It shows their struggles in deciding where to stay, who and why get married or not get married, under the current political situation in Hong Kong. And how, in fact, politics always affect individual decisions and nurture and destroy love, trust, and homes simultaneously.

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Video Installation

(Rotterdam:1'50'' ; Athens:2'57'' ; Antwerp:2'44''; Georgia: 3'07'')

Images is not a rendition tool of preexisting occasions. Data and pixels in video are compressed and render artist’s feelings and thoughts on nationality. When limited time and storyline require her to encapsulate a communicable idea, she made a detour with performative videos.

Carve Out (2019)
Short Documentary ( 12'11'')

Food sculpturing has a profound history in China. It is recognised as an art and maintains an important role in Chinese cuisine. However in the Netherlands, it has a very different tale. Currently dispensable in the Dutch Chinese restaurants, food sculptures are seen as less and less and the craft threatens to go extinct. Having put aside their carving knives for decades, migrant food sculptors Chen Mo and Awan are once again asked to sharpen

up their knives! Two young artists attempt to invite the masters to reimagine the future of food sculpturing in the Netherlands, with a completely new approach.

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