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Recent Work: Cafeteria


Screening involved: I am Hai Lai Yan Cheng (Documentary)

Having Asian appearance, Lai speaks native Dutch and acts actively in local art scene. She struggles about her identity and relationship with her Hong Kongese father. Lai’s papa emigrated from China and worked entire life in the same restaurant for 11 hours a day. He speaks only Cantonese and seldom expresses his thoughts. Lai found him so closed and lonely . Now papa is sick and always stays at home. How do they overcome the barriers and use their own tactics to communicate to each other?

Als een octpuus(2017) @ Kaaihallen, Den Bosch

I served fresh octopus soup on a carpet made from colourful Asian food boxes. I invited people to enjoy the soup and participate in a talk about South China Sea Disputes.

There Is A Home Opposite (2016)

I stayed in a furniture store for a week, in order to observe and meet a homeless man live opposite to

the store. Eventually, we both took a brave step forward to start the conversations. With letters and small talks, he shared with me his six years 'under-bridge' living experiences and several life lessons he had.

McDonald Series : Dancing (2016)

The McRefugees phenomenon happened in Hong Kong McDonalds restaurants drew my interest in exploring the grey realm between public  and private space. I invited artist to do several intervention in McDonald's to question spaces' obscurity in crowded spaces like Hong Kong.

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